RS Brick Factory

 RS Brick Factory manufacture a large variety of brick products of exceptionally high quality and strength. We produce and manufacture a wide range of bricks at our factory situated in Swakopmund.  Our aggregates to produce bricks are proudly Namibian products.

Our manufacturing process and quality control start at the selection and grading of the sand we use, cement strength and quality, continuing all the way to the manufacturing and curing of our brick products,  to ensure that you get only the highest quality in form and strength.

Our Brick products include . . .

spacer Standard bricks
spacer Rockface bricks
spacer Pavers
spacer Super bricks
spacer U-Blocks
spacer Concrete Lintols
spacer Block bricks
spacer Interlocks
spacer Road Kerbstone

Bricks, Pavers and Kerbstones:   (For larger images, please visit our Gallery)

Standard Bricks7 MPa220 x 105 x 70 mm
Standard Bricks14 MPa220 x 105 x 70 mm
Super Bricks7 MPa220 x 100 x 100 mm
Super Bricks14 Mpa220 x 100 x 100 mm
Rockface Bricks - Grey220 x 105 x 70 mm
Block Brick440 x 220 x 190 mm
Block Brick small300 x 150 x 190 mm
Interlocking Bricks - Grey40 MPa60 mm
Interlocking Bricks - Red 40 MPa60 mm
Interlocking Bricks - Grey60 MPa80 mm
Interlocking Bricks - Red60 MPa80 mm
Rectangular Paving Bricks40 MPa Grey60 mm
Rectangular Paving Bricks40 Mpa Red60 mm
Road Kerbstone300 x 75/100 x 900 mm
Road Kerbstone380 x 75/100 x 900 mm
Half Road Kerbstone300 x 75/100 x 450 mm
Half Road Kerbstone380 x 75/100 x 450 mm
Garden Kerbstone200 x 45 x 900 mm
Garden Kerbstone300 x 45 x 900 mm
Concrete Lintels
Lintel1.0 meter
Lintel1.3 meter
Lintel1.6 meter
Lintel1.8 meter
Lintel2.2 meter
Lintel2.5 meter
Lintel2.8 meter