RS Rossing Stone Crushers

The beast has been reborn.  The quarry is situated approximately 40km east of Swakopmund, at the foot of Rossing Mountain. We at RefSol Group are extremely proud and priviledged to have re-established our own quarry at one of the oldest quarries in Namibia. This specific quarry has served many projects throughout Namibia for the longest of times.

This team of experts produces and crushes all our own stone to a different selection of products that is required in the building industry. We are fully operational with all the essentials and abilities to produce the perfect stone in all sizes.

All orders can be arranged at the head office in Swakopmund.



Unit   LBS Factor

19.0   mm Stone     Ton
13.0   mm Stone     Ton
9.50   mm Stone     Ton
6.70   mm Stone     Ton


Ton   1.35
Ton   1.35
Ton   1.45
Ton   1.45



Unit  LBS Factor

9.5  mm Crusher Run
0-4 mm Crusher Dust
37   mm Base Course


Ton     1.42
Ton     1.65
Ton     1.71

∗ LBS Factor  –  (Loose bulk density)  Conversion factor to m³